Thursday, 8 November 2007

Miles to go before I sleep!!

Jeewan kya hai, koi na jaane , jo jaane pacchtaye!!

I remember hearing this song many years ago. But the truth behind the words has started hitting me now in full blast.

As I go through my daily chores, my responsibilities and duties, life is what is passing by. I really dread the time, when I would have time at hand to think about the years gone by.

Would I have lived a worth while life by that time on which I would be able to look back with a sense of fulfilment and pride?

I have a long mental list of things I would want to do before I die. Other mundane activities keep me occupied all through the day. Days pass by in a haze turning into weeks and then months and soon years will fly by without my notice.

This list will keep growing and I will keep putting off things till a time when I would no longer be able to do them. That is my greatest fear.

I have devised an alternate game plan though. Deriving small pleasures out of my daily acitivities has become a way of life, rather I like to take it that way.

A beautiful sunset over the horizon of a polluted city, a smiling cherubic face of an infant among the hordes of daily commuters, a weirdly shaped cloud striking a beautiful contrast with an inky blue sky on a cloudy day, colors of buses forming a kaleidoscope of sorts in my office bus parking are some of the things that often leave a smile on my face making me wonder how many other such beautiful sights and sounds I had missed when I simply wasnt paying attention.