Tuesday 18 November 2008

The Story so Far

18th February , 1983- The most blessed day in my life, a little girl(that's me!) born to the most delightful family in the world.

My family being devout Shiva followers named their little bundle of joy(?(I like to believe that!!)) 'Aparna' after Goddess Parvati...but decided against it later as Punjabis have an uncanny knack of twisting hindu mythological names to certain strange sounding meaningless or mundane words(Parna in this case, that incidentaly means a rag in punjabi..).

So, all said and done, they finally decided to call me 'Aditi', the name of the eternal goddess, the mother of all devas( as the legend goes..) literally meaning unbound or infinite, figuratively, earth, sky, mother, woman, cow etc have been known as Aditi in hindu mythology.

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